…and the winner is…

Thank you to all of you (all 10 of you, ha ha ha!!!) who entered the contest!  I really appreciate your support!  I know I say this very often, but it’s so true – I really appreciate that you keep coming back to read what I’ve written!

After I posted the contest, Adam emailed me and told me that the downloads were for a FULL ALBUM – for those of you who didn’t read the update) so the runners up get a whole bunch of amazing new music!!  I am so excited for you!

So, here’s how this will work…I need the grand prize winner to email me at natasha_laure_reynolds@yahoo.ca with their mailing address and the others need to email me at that same email address so I have your email address to send the download code for the music to.  Did that make sense?  Seemed a little confusing to me…whatever.


Sarah Schneider – Congratulations Sarah – you have won a copy of Spirit Driven Success and a free album from Adam Werner!!!  (Please email me at the address above with where you’d like the book shipped to!)


Stacy Schildhauer

Tanya Seiferman

Joanie Snaith

Mary (not sure of the last initial…I think it’s H…you were the one who said you already have all 3 books but you’d choose FSTW to give as a gift to a friend). 

To the runners up, don’t forget to email me so I have your email address to send the download code to!  You must email me by 8pm MST on Thursday November 1, 2012 to claim your prize!!!

Again, thank you for participating!!

